【预售】The Kinesthetic Classroom: Teaching and Learning ...
【预订】Kinesthetic Spectatorship in the Theatre
【预售】Kinesthetic Perception
【预订】Kinesthetic Perception: A Machine Le...
预订 You Are Not a Kinesthetic Learner: The Troubled History of the Learning Style Idea 心灵之学:学习风格之迷的曲折历程:
【预售 按需印刷】Human Kinesthetic and Perception
【预售 按需印刷】Yoga for kinesthetic and visual perception ability- elderly people s
预售 按需印刷Teaching Through Movement: Setting Up Your Kinesthetic Classroom
海外直订The Essentials of Beautiful Singing: A Three-Step Kinesthetic Approach 美的歌唱要领:三步动觉法
海外直订Body, Movement, and Culture: Kinesthetic and Visual Symbolism in a Philippine Co 身体,运动和文化:菲律宾社
海外直订The Essentials of Beautiful Singing: A Three-Step Kinesthetic Approach 美丽的歌唱要领
海外直订Kinesthetic Vocabulary Activities Your Child Will Love 你的孩子会喜欢的动觉词汇活动
海外直订Kinesthetic Empathy in Creative and Cultural Practices 创意和文化实践中的动觉移情
海外直订The Kinesthetic Classroom: Teaching and Learning Through Movement 动觉课堂:运动教学
海外直订Ready, Set, Go!: The Kinesthetic Classroom 2.0 准备,准备,开始!:动觉课堂2.0
预订 How to Quickly Improve Memory and Learning for Kinesthetic Left and Right Brain Learners and ADHD: 9781928997467
海外直订Kinesthetic Spectatorship in the Theatre: Phenomenology, Cognition, Movement 戏剧中的动觉观众:现象学、认知、运
【4周达】Thinking Visually: Step-By-Step Exercises That Promote Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic Lea... [9781551381558]
预订 Improvising Kinesthetic abilities in school children [9783330015852]
预订 Teaching Through Movement: Setting Up Your Kinesthetic Classroom [9780997676174]
【4周达】The Kinesthetic Classroom: Teaching and Learning Through Movement [9781412979542]
【4周达】Ready, Set, Go!: The Kinesthetic Classroom 2.0 [9781506365831]
【4周达】Kinesthetic Empathy in Creative and Cultural Practices [9781841504919]
【4周达】60 Kinesthetic Grammar Activities [9781948492508]
【4周达】Kinesthetic Math and Language Lessons, 2nd Edition [9781387977529]
【4周达】A Recipe Book for Tutors : Teaching the Kinesthetic Learner [9781578867912]
【4周达】Teaching Writing to Visual, Auditory, and Kinesthetic Learners [9781412925204]
【4周达】Kinesthetic Spectatorship in the Theatre : Phenomenology, Cognition, Movement [9783319917931]
预订 Human Kinesthetic and Perception [9783639513974]
预订 Yoga for kinesthetic and visual perception ability- elderly people's [9786200315137]
【4周达】Mastering the Mechanics of Movement: A Kinesthetic Guide to Physical Proficiency [9798348514655]
【4周达】Kinesthetic Perception: A Machine Learning Approach [9789811349317]
【4周达】Kinesthetic Perception: A Machine Learning Approach [9789811066917]
【4周达】Art Alphabet Book: A Tactile & Kinesthetic Approach for Young Artists to Master the ABCs [9798990230101]
预订 Beyond Hands On: Incorporating Kinesthetic Learning in an Undergraduate Paleontology Class - Bey... [9781108717878]
预订 Creative Dance and Learning: Making the Kinesthetic Link [9780871273895]
【4周达】Embodied Teen: A Somatic Curriculum for Teaching Body-Mind Awareness, Kinesthetic Intelligen... [9781623171889]
预订 Kinesthetic Perception, Creative Motor Response & Personality [9786203198058]
【4周达】Kinesthetic Vocabulary Activities Your Child Will Love [9781928997177]
【4周达】How to Quickly Improve Memory and Learning for Kinesthetic Left and Right Brain Learners and... [9781928997467]
【4周达】Sensorimotor Awareness: A Kinesthetic Guide to the Body in Action [9798991948906]
【4周达】Body, Movement, and Culture: Kinesthetic and Visual Symbolism in a Philippine Community [9780812213836]
【4周达】Kinesthetic Spectatorship in the Theatre: Phenomenology, Cognition, Movement [9783030063009]
【4周达】Effect of tactile kinesthetic stimulation on preterm infants' weight A [9786200320353]
预订Kinesthetic Empathy in Creative and Cultural Practices
预订The Embodied Teen:A Somatic Curriculum for Teaching Body-Mind Awareness, Kinesthetic Intelligence, and Social and Em
海外直订Teaching Through Movement: Setting Up Your Kinesthetic Classroom 通过动作教学:设置动觉教室
预订Kinesthetic Spectatorship in the Theatre:Phenomenology, Cognition, Movement