【4周达】A World of Giving: Carnegie Corporation of New York-A Century of International Philanthropy [9781610394291]
现货 只是给予 Just Giving: Why Philanthropy Is Failing Democracy and How It Can Do Better [9780691202273]
【4周达】Give Smart: Philanthropy That Gets Results [9781610391467]
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海外直订Advancing Higher Education: New Strategies for Fundraising, Philanthropy, and En 推进高等教育:筹款、慈善和参与
海外直订Philanthropy in Black Higher Education: A Fateful Hour Creating the Atlanta Univ 黑人高等教育中的慈善事业:
海外直订医药图书War, Politics, and Philanthropy: The History of Rehabilitation Medicine 战争、政治与慈善:康复医学史
海外直订Philanthropy and American Higher Education 慈善事业与美国高等教育
海外直订Advancing Higher Education: New Strategies for Fundraising, Philanthropy, and En 推进高等教育:筹款、
海外直订Americanizing Japanese Firms: The Institutionalization of Corporate Philanthropy 美国化的日本公司:美国社区
海外直订Successful Fundraising for the Academic Library: Philanthropy in Higher Educatio 高校图书馆成功筹款:慈善事业
海外直订Philanthropy and Police: London Charity in the Eighteenth Century 慈善与政治:十八世纪的伦敦慈善
海外直订Philanthropy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship: An Introduction 慈善、创新与创业:导论
海外直订The Routledge Companion to Philanthropy 慈善事业的劳特利奇伴侣
海外直订Charity and Philanthropy for Dummies 为傻瓜做慈善
【4周达】Why the Wealthy Give: The Culture of Elite Philanthropy [9780691015880]
海外直订Fundraising for Hospitals: Value-Based Healthcare Philanthropy 为医院筹款:基于价值的医疗慈善事业
海外直订Understanding Philanthropy: Its Meaning and Mission 理解慈善事业:意义与使命
预订 Seeds of Extinction: Jeffersonian Philanthropy and the American Indian [9780807897782]
海外直订Sponsoring Nature: Environmental Philanthropy for Conservation 赞助自然:保护环境的慈善事业
海外直订Diversity and Philanthropy at African American Museums: Black Renaissance 非裔美国人博物馆的多样性与慈善:黑
【4周达】The Routledge Companion to Philanthropy [9780415783255]
【4周达】The Difficult Art of Giving: Patronage, Philanthropy, and the American Literary Market [9780812246308]
预订 The Germ of Laziness: Rockefeller Philanthropy and Public Health in the New South [9780674333338]
海外直订Fred Crawford and Fifty Golden Years of Philanthropy 弗雷德·克劳福德与慈善事业五十周年
海外直订Future of Philanthropy: Insights from Multiple Expert Discussions Around the Wor 慈善事业的未来:来自世界各