【预售】Behaviourism in Studying Swarms: Logical Models of Sensing and Motoring
【预售】Behaviourism in Studying Swarms: Log...
【4周达】Behaviourism [9780393005240]
【4周达】Psychology for the Classroom: Behaviourism [9780415493994]
海外直订Psychology for the Classroom: Behaviourism 课堂心理学:行为主义
【4周达】Behaviourism in Studying Swarms: Logical Models of Sensing and Motoring: Logical Models of S... [9783030082710]
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海外直订Bridging Philosophy and Psychology Using the Example of Behaviourism and B.F. Sk 以行为主义和B.F.斯金纳的《
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【4周达】Psychology for the Classroom: Behaviourism [9780415493987]
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