预售[2025新书]TECHNOLOGICAL REPUBLIC, THE[9780593798690]
Nanyang Technological University南洋理工大学冰箱贴NTU冰箱贴
技术奇点 MIT新概念丛书 英文原版 The Technological Singularity 计算机科学 人工智能 英文版进口原版英语书籍
现货 技术奇点 英文原版 The Technological Singularity (The MIT Press Essential Knowledge series) 麻省理工学术书
英文原版 The Work of Art in the Age of Its Technological Reproducibility and Other Writings on Media机械复制时代的艺术品
英文原版 Truth of the Technological World 技术世界的真相 弗里德里希·基特勒 英文版 进口英语原版书籍
Truth of the Technological World 技术世界的真相 弗里德里希·基特勒
[预订]Technological Advancement in the Oil and Gas Industry: A Consideration of the Nodal Seismic System 9783954893942
【预订】Technological Innovation as an Evolutionary Process
预订 The Impact of Rate-of-Return Regulation on Technological Innovation: 9781138263857
【预售】Managing Technological Discontinuities: The Case of
【预售】Managing Convergence in Innovation: The New Paradigm of Technological Innovation
【预订】On Death Without Dignity: The Human Impact of Technological Dying
预订 Musical Listening in the Age of Technological Reproduction: 9780367879716
预订 Living in a Technological Culture
预订 Technological Change In Japan’s Beef Industry 日本牛肉产业的技术变革: 9780367305048
预订 Dark Sides of the Startup Nation: Winners and Losers of Technological Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Israel 初
预订 Innovation and Technological Diffusion: An Economic History of Early Steam Engines: 9780367874766
预订 Technological Unemployment, Basic Income, and Well-being 技术性失业、基本收入与福利: 9781032313948
预订 Research Objects in their Technological Setting: 9781138331969
预订 Blockchain and Web 3.0: Social, Economic, and Technological Challenges 区块链和Web 3.0:社会,经济和技术挑战: 97803
预订 Knowing New Biotechnologies: Social Aspects of Technological Convergence: 9780367869823
[预订]The Technological Study of Books and Manuscripts as Artefacts 9781407307671
预订 Technological Change and Mature Industrial Regions: Firms, Knowledge and Policy 技术变化与成熟区域: 公司,知识与政策
预订 Champions of Technological Change: How Organizations Successfully Implement New Technology 技术变革的*:组织如何成
【预售】Ground Stone Analysis: A Technological Approach
【预售】Technological Concepts and Mathematical Models in
【预订】Internetworking: Technological Found...
【预订】Technological and Institutional Innovations for Marginalized Smallholders in Agricultural Development
【预售】Technological Innovation for Resilie...
【预订】Technological Aspects of Manufacturi...
【预订】The Technological and Economic Future of Nuclear Power
【预订】Technological and Business Fundamentals for Mobile App Development 9783031138546
【预订】Health Information Systems: Technological and Management Perspective 9783031123092
[预订]Technological Imagination in the Green and Digital Transition 9783031295140
预订 Blue Planet Law: The Ecology of our Economic and Technological World 蓝色星球法:我们经济与技术世界的生态学(精装)
【预售】Work, Organizations, and Technological Change
【预售】Dynamics of Technological Change
预订 European Communities Oil and Gas Technological Development Projects
预订 Technological Frontiers and Sustainable Innovations 技术前沿与可持续创新: 9783031687501
预订 European Communities Oil and Gas Technological Development Projects: Third Status Report 欧洲共同体石油和天然气技术
【预订】Germany’s Technological Performance 9783790812817
预订 Technological Dictionary
预订 Technological Risk Assessment
【预售】Technological Concepts and Mathematical Models...
【预订】Oxygen Ion and Mixed Conductors and their Technological Applications
【预售】Non-Technological Innovations for Sustainable ...
【预售】Aging and Technological Advances
【预订】Design, User Experience, and Usability. User Experience in Advanced Technological Environments
【预售】Lecithin: Technological, Biological, and Therapeu
【预售】The Technological Imperative in Medicine: Proc...
【预订】Technological Innovation for Resilient Systems: 9th Ifip Wg 5.5/Socolnet Advanced Doctoral Conference on C...
【预订】Risk Methodologies for Technological Legacies
【预售】Technological Advances in Improved and
【预订】Mathematical Modeling of Technological Processes
预订 An Empirical Analysis of Population and Technological Progress 人口与技术进步的实证解析: 9784431549581
【预售】Managing Technological Change: Strategies For
【预售】Technological Interventions in the P...
预订 Technological Change and Labor Markets: Productivity, Job Polarization, and Inequality 技术变革与劳动力市场:生产率
【预订】Technological Change and the British Iron Industry, 1700-1870
预订 Organizational Technological Resources How Brings: 9789357902649
【预订】American Technological Sublime
【预售】The Social Construction of Technological Systems:
【预售】Technological Competition in Global Industries:
[预订]Technological Analysis on Quartzite Exploitation / Études technologiques sur l’exploitation du qu 9781407305325
【预售 按需印刷】技术系统的社会建构 周年纪念版 The Social Construction of Technological Systems 进口英文正版书籍
预订 Agricultural Supply Chains and Industry 4.0: Technological Advance for Sustainability
【预订】Exploring Ethical Problems in Today’s Technological World 9781668458921
【预售】The Global Commons 2E - Environmental & Technological Governance
[预订]Dietary Lipids: Nutritional and Technological Aspects 9780443185908
预订 Technological Innovations in Tropical Livestock Development for Environmental Sustainability and Food Security: Pro
预订 A Dictionary of Military and Technological Abbreviations and Acronyms 军事与技术缩略语辞典(重印版): 9780367713232
[预订]The Researcher Entrepreneur: Best Practices for Successful Technological Entrepreneurship 9783031443572
预订 The Researcher Entrepreneur: Best Practices for Successful Technological Entrepreneurship 研究企业家:成功技术创业
【预售】Society and Technological Change
【预订】Technological Advancement in Mechanical and Automotive Engineering 9789811914560
【预订】Technological Trends in the AI Economy 9789811974106
预订 Technological Trends in the AI Economy
预订 Tourism and Hospitality for Sustainable Development: Volume One: Technological Innovations and Development Realitie
预订 Research on E-Learning and ICT in Education: Technological, Pedagogical, and Instructional Perspectives 教育的网络
预订 Value Addition and Utilization of Lignocellulosic Biomass: Through Novel Technological Interventions 木质纤维素生物
【预售】Cities in the Third Wave: The Technological
【预订】The Technological Singularity: Manag...
【预订】Technological Innovation for Digitalization and Virtualization 9783031075193
[预订]Innovation, Sustainability, and Technological Megatrends in the Face of Uncertainties: Core Developm 9783031461880
[预订]Airborne Wind Energy: An Overview of the Technological Approaches 9783031199561
[预订]Technological Innovation for Digitalization and Virtualization: 13th Ifip Wg 5.5/Socolnet Doctoral C 9783031075223
【预订】The Wakanda Files: A Technological Exploration of the Avengers and Beyond - Includes Content from 22 Movie...
[预订]Media Primitivism: Technological Art in Africa 9781478008835
【预售】Technological Innovation: Oversights and Foresights
[预订]Technological Styles in the Jebel Gharbi Lithic Industries of the Late Pleistocene (North-Western Li 9789464280272
[预订]Chemical and Technological Characterization of Dairy Products 9783036502182
【预售】Stages to Saturn: A Technological History of t...