【预售】Microscale Chemistry Experimen
预订 Microscale Organic Laboratory with Multistep and Multiscale Syntheses, 7th Edition 微尺度有机实验室与多步骤及多尺度
【预订】Nanoscale and Microscale Phenomena
【预订】Microscale Technologies for Cell Eng...
【预订】The Ecology of Predation at the Microscale
预订 The Ecology of Predation at the Microscale
【预售】Microscale Heat Conduction in Integrated Circuits
【预订】Microscale Technologies for Cell Engineering
【预订】Nano/Microscale Heat Transfer
【预售】Microscale Inorganic Chemistry A Comprehensive
【预售 按需印刷】Microscale Combustion and Power Generation
【预售 按需印刷】Microscale Fluid-Thermal Phenomena Based On The Boltzmann-ESBGK Model
【预售 按需印刷】Microscale Inorganic Chemistry
【预售 按需印刷】Microscale Carbon Fiber and Nanotubes Grafted Fiber
【预售】Macro- To Microscale Heat Transfer: The Lagging B
【预售】R for Finite Element Analyses of Size-dependent Microscale Structures
【预售】Environmental Chemistry: Microscale Laboratory
【预售】Microscale Carbon Fiber and Nanotube...
【预订】Microscale Surface Tension and Its Applications
海外直订Nanoscale and Microscale Phenomena: Fundamentals and Applications 纳米尺度与微尺度现象:基础与应用
海外直订Microscale Technologies for Cell Engineering 细胞工程的微尺度技术
海外直订Microscale Heat Conduction in Integrated Circuits and Their Constituent Films 集成电路及其组成膜的微尺度热
海外直订Microscale Surface Tension and Its Applications 微尺度表面张力及其应用
【预订】Microscale Flow and Heat Transfer
【预订】Macroscale and Microscale Organic Experiments 9781305577190
【预订】Microscale and Nanoscale Heat Transfer
【预订】Microscale Soft Robotics
【预订】Modeling of Microscale Transport in ...
【预订】Flow boiling and condensation in microscale channels
【预订】Flow boiling and condensation in microscale channels 9783030687069
【预订】Microscale General Chemistry Laboratory, Second Edition
【预售】Systems Engineering for Microscale and Nanoscale Technologies
【预订】Mechanical Properties of Cementitious Materials at Microscale 9789811968822
[预订]Mechanical Properties of Cementitious Materials at Microscale 9789811968853
【预订】Microscale Diagnostic Techniques
【预售】Microscale and Nanoscale Heat Transfer
【预订】Nano- and Microscale Drug Delivery S...
【预售】Systems Engineering for Microscale and Nanoscale
[预订]Fundamentals of microscale bubbles in process engineering 9783736975118
海外直订Mites: Ecology, Evolution & Behaviour: Life at a Microscale 螨类:生态学、进化与行为:微型生命
海外直订Fundamentals of microscale bubbles in process engineering 过程工程中的微尺度气泡基础
【预售】Microfluidics and Microscale Transport Processes
海外直订Flow Boiling and Condensation in Microscale Channels 微尺度通道中的流动、沸腾和凝结
【预售】Statistical Thermodynamics and Microscale
海外直订Flow boiling and condensation in microscale channels 微尺度通道中的流动、沸腾和凝结
海外直订Selected Papers from the ISTEGIM'19: Thermal Effects in Gas flow in Microscale 摘自ISTEGIM'19
海外直订Microscale and Nanoscale Heat Transfer: Fundamentals and Engineering Application 微尺度和纳米尺度传热:基础
海外直订Microscale Combustion and Power Generation 微型燃烧与发电
【预订】Microscale Testing in Aquatic Toxicology
海外直订Microscale Diagnostic Techniques 微型诊断技术
【预订】Nano/Microscale Heat Transfer 9783030450410
海外直订Statistical Thermodynamics and Microscale Thermophysics 统计热力学与微尺度热物理
海外直订Microscale General Chemistry Laboratory: With Selected Macroscale Experiments 微尺度普通化学实验室:选择宏观
海外直订Nanocellular Polymers: From Microscale to Nanoscale 纳米细胞聚合物:从微尺度到纳米尺度
海外直订Microscale and Nanoscale Heat Transfer: Fundamentals and Engineering Application 微尺度与纳米尺度传热:基础
海外直订Fuel Cell Modeling and Simulation: From Microscale to Macroscale 燃料电池建模与仿真:从微观尺度到宏观尺度
海外直订Microscale Chemistry Experimen 微型化学实验
【预订】Microscale Heat Transfer - Fundamentals and Applications
海外直订Microscale Acoustofluidics Microscale Acoustofluidics
海外直订Microbiorobotics: Biologically Inspired Microscale Robotic Systems 微生物机器人:生物启发的微型机器人系统
【4周达】Microbiorobotics: Biologically Inspired Microscale Robotic Systems [9780323429931]
【4周达】Nano- And Microscale Drug Delivery Systems: Design and Fabrication [9780323527279]
【4周达】Modeling of Microscale Transport in Biological Processes [9780128045954]
【4周达】Microbiorobotics: Biologically Inspired Microscale Robotic Systems [9780128103340]
预订 Microscale and Nanoscale Heat Transfer : Fundamentals and Engineering Applications [9780367403508]
【4周达】An Introduction to Clouds: From the Microscale to Climate [9781107018228]
【4周达】Macroscale and Microscale Organic Experiments [9781305577190]
【4周达】Microscale Combustion and Power Generation [9781606503065]
【4周达】Frontier Research in Microscale and Nanoscale Thermal and Fluid Sciences [9781613246658]
【4周达】Microscale and Nanoscale Heat Transfer: Analysis, Design, and Application [9781498736305]
【4周达】Microscale Soft Robotics : Motivations, Progress, and Outlook [9783319502854]
【4周达】Systems Engineering for Microscale and Nanoscale Technologies [9781138075726]
预订 Analysis of Liquid Cooling parameters for Microscale Heat transfer [9783330072428]
【4周达】Microscale and Nanoscale Heat Transfer [9783642071584]
【4周达】Microscale Technologies for Cell Engineering [9783319207254]
【4周达】Fundamentals of microscale bubbles in process engineering [9783736975118]
【4周达】Mechanical Properties of Cementitious Materials at Microscale [9789811968822]
【4周达】Mites: Ecology, Evolution & Behaviour : Life at a Microscale [9789402402339]
【4周达】R for Finite Element Analyses of Size-Dependent Microscale Structures [9789811370137]
【4周达】Nanoscale and Microscale Phenomena : Fundamentals and Applications [9788132222880]
【4周达】Microscale Surface Tension and Its Applications [9783039215645]
【4周达】Microscale Organic Laboratory with Multistep and M ultiscale Syntheses, 7th Edition: With Mu... [9781119110521]
【4周达】Microscale Technologies for Cell Engineering [9783319349329]
【4周达】Organ on a Chip : Convergence of Advanced Materials, Cells, and Microscale Technologies [9780128172025]
【4周达】Development of Research in Microscale and Nanoscale Thermal and Fluid Sciences [9781634854627]
【4周达】Microscale Heat Conduction in Integrated Circuits and Their Constituent Films [9780792385912]
【4周达】Microscale Inorganic Chemistry A Comprehensive Laboratory Experience [Wiley化学化工] [9780471619963]
【4周达】Macroscale and Microscale Organic Experiments [9780357851159]