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[预订]Consensus in Data Management 9781638281603
【预售】Creating a New Consensus on Population: "The
预订 Development Policy in the Twenty-First Century: Beyond the Post-Washington Consensus 21世纪经济发展政策:*后华盛顿
【预售】African Agricultural Reforms: The Role of Consensus
【预售】Controversy and Consensus: Nuclear Beta Decay 1911
【预订】Consensus Problem of Delayed Linear ...
【预订】Consensus Conference on the Management of Cystic Fibrosis
【预订】Consensus Building Versus Irreconcilable Conflicts
预订 Study on the Consensus Salary System for Modern Enterprises 现代企业共识薪酬制度研究: 9783642298363
预订 Consensus Building in Group Decision Making: Searching the Consensus Path with Minimum Adjustments: 9789811012839
预订 The Maximum Consensus Problem: Recent Algorithmic Advances
【预订】Controversy and Consensus: Nuclear Beta Decay 1911–1934
预订 Consensus Building in Group Decision Making: Searching the Consensus Path with Minimum Adjustments 建立共识群决策:
【预订】Consensus on Menopause Research: A S...
【预订】Second-Order Consensus of Continuous-Time Multi-Agent Systems
【预订】Blockchain Consensus 9781484281789
【预售】John Goldthorpe: Consensus And Controversy
[预订]Consensus on Operating Practices for the Control of Feedwater and Boiler Water Chemistry in Industri 9780791885093
[预订]Consensus et représentation : actes du colloque organisé en 2013 à Dijon 9791035100162
预订 The Globalization of Foreign Aid: Developing Consensus: 9780367358389
预订 Consensus Planning: The Relevance of Communicative Planning Theory in Duth Infrastructure Development: The Relevanc
预订 Disrupted Development in the Congo: The Fragile Foundations of the African Mining Consensus 刚果的发展中断:非洲矿
预订 Quorum Systems: With Applications to Storage and Consensus
【预订】Global Consensus on Climate Change
【预售】Rough Consensus and Running Code: A Theory of
预订 Distributed Network Structure Estimation Using Consensus Methods
【预售】B.F. Skinner: Consensus And Controversy
【预售】Arthur Jensen: Consensus And Controversy
预订 The Emerging Global Consensus on Climate Change and Human Mobility 气候变化的流离失所与人权影响:*南北分裂: 9781
预订 Italy in Transition: Conflict and Consensus: 9780714631479
【预售】Essentials of Grammatical Theory: A Consensus View of Syntax and Morphology
【预售】Hans Eysenck: Consensus and Controversy
【预售】Consensus Formation in Healthcare Ethics
【预订】Consensus and Synchronization in Com...
【预订】Distributed Consensus with Visual Perception in Multi-Robot Systems
【预订】Distributed Consensus with Visual Pe...
【预订】Machine Behavior Design and Analysis: A Consensus Perspective
【预订】Shoulder Concepts 2013: Consensus and Concerns
【预订】Distributed Attitude Consensus of Multiple Flexible Spacecraft 9789811942570
【预订】Perugia Consensus Conference on Antiemetic Therapy
【预订】Enterprise Engineering and Integration: Building International Consensus 9783540634027
[预订]Distributed Attitude Consensus of Multiple Flexible Spacecraft 9789811942600
预订 Consensus 共识: 9783111414348
【预售】Consensus on Hyperthermia for the 1990s: Clini...
【预售】Children's Language: Consensus and Controversy
[预订]Conflict and Consensus in Early Greek Hexameter Poetry 9781316625989
【预售】The Geneva Consensus: Making Trade Work for All
【预订】International Development and the Washington Consensus 9780367200053
[预订]Corporatism and the Myth of Consensus 9780367249205
【预订】Do I See Us Like You See Us? Consensus, Agreement, and the Context of Leadership Relationships
预订 The Global Financial Crisis and the New Monetary Consensus: 9781138231290
【预售】Consensus on Pre-Commissioning Stages for Cogeneration and Combined Cycle Power Plants
【预售】Do I See Us Like You See Us? Consensus, Agreement
预订 Mastering Consensus: A Leader’s Guide to Real Dialogues and Finding Common Ground in Five Steps 掌握共识:通过5个
【预售】Group Consensus And Minority Influence -
预订 The Social Dimensions of Scientific Knowledge: Consensus, Controversy, and Coproduction 科学知识的社会维度:共识、
【预售】Network Topology and Fault-Tolerant Consensus
预订 Youth Culture, Popular Music and the End of ’Consensus’ 青年文化、流行音乐与“共识”的终结: 9780367739737
预订 Distributed Adaptive Consensus Control of Uncertain Multi-Agent Systems
【预售】Setting Consensus Goals for Academic Achievement: A
预订 The Future of the International Criminal Court: Reform, Consensus, and Relations with the USA 国际刑事法院的未来:
预订 The European Union in the G8: Promoting Consensus and Concerted Actions for Global Public Goods: 9781138279186
【预售】Achieving Consensus in Robot Swarms:...
【预订】Achieving Consensus in Robot Swarms...
【预售】Consensus on Peirce’s Concept of Hab...
预订 Consensus on Peirce’s Concept of Habit: Before and Beyond Consciousness 论皮尔斯习惯概念的共识:之前及其以后的意识
预订 Mechanical Ocular Trauma: Current Consensus and Controversy 机械性眼外伤:当前共识与争议 第2版: 9789819765553
预订 Network Topology and Fault-Tolerant Consensus
【预订】Crafting Consensus
【预订】Generalized Synchronization and Generalized Consensus of System Arrays
预订 Luxury and Corruption: Challenging the Anti-Corruption Consensus *和腐败: 挑战反腐败共识: 9781529212419
【预售】More Than 50 Ways to Build Team Consensus
【预售】Consensus on Operating Practices for Control of Water and Steam Chemistry in Combined Cycle and Cogenerati...
预订 Science Advice to NASA: Conflict, Consensus, Partnership, Leadership: 9781626830349
预订 Admissible Consensus and Consensualization for Singular Multi-Agent Systems
【预订】Consensus Tracking of Multi-Agent Systems with Switching Topologies
【预订】Soft Computing Applications for Group Decision-making and Consensus Modeling
【预售】The Emerging Consensus in Social Systems Theory
【预售】Consensus Under Fuzziness
【预订】Advanced Distributed Consensus for Multiagent Systems
【预订】Consensus Over Switching Network Topology: Characterizing System Parameters and Joint 9783030856564
【预订】Consensus Over Switching Network Topology: Characterizing System Par 9783030856595
[预订]Distributed Fault-Tolerant Consensus Control of Leader-Following Systems 9789819974252
预订 Distributed Fault-Tolerant Consensus Control of Leader-Following Systems: Based on Adaptive Control Approach *跟踪
预订 Consensus Planning: The Relevance of Communicative Planning Theory in Duth Infrastructure Development
【预售】Conflict, Consensus, and Rationality in
【预订】The Washington Consensus Reconsidered
【预订】Critique of the New Consensus Macroeconomics and Implications for India
【预售】Shattered Consensus: The True State of Global
【预售】Contemporary Moral Issues: Diversity and Consensus
【预订】International Development and the Washington Consensus 9780367200039