【预订】Intelligent Networked Teleoperation ...
预订 Intelligent Networked Teleoperation Control
【预订】Cutaneous Haptic Feedback in Robotic Teleoperation
【预订】Teleoperation: Numerical Simulation ...
【预订】Teleoperation and Robotics: Applicat...
【预订】Haptic Teleoperation Systems: Signal...
【预订】Haptic Teleoperation Systems
【预售】Analysis and Design for Networked Teleoperation System
【预订】Analysis and Design for Networked Teleoperation System
预订 High-Performance Adaptive Control of Teleoperation Systems 遥*作系统的高效能自适应控制: 9781032465173
【预售】Haptic Feedback Teleoperation of Optical Tweezers
[预订]High-Performance Adaptive Control of Teleoperation Systems 9781032465159
[预订]Output Synchronization for Teleoperation of Robotic Manipulators 9783659612329
[预订]Human-In-The-Loop Learning and Control for Robot Teleoperation 9780323951432
【预售】Teleoperation and Robotics Evolution and
预订 Advanced Teleoperation and Robot Learning for Dexterous Manipulation 用于灵巧*作的*远程*作与机器人学习: 97830317850
【预售 按需印刷】A Sensorless Virtual Slave Control Scheme for Kinematically Disslimilar Master-Slave Teleoperation
预售 按需印刷 Improving Force Reflecting Teleoperation
预售 按需印刷 High Performance Adaptive Control of Teleoperation Systems
预售 按需印刷Teleoperation eines humanoiden Roboters德语ger
【预售按需印刷】Output Synchronization for Teleoperation of Robotic Manipulators
预售 按需印刷 Bilateral Teleoperation of a Planetary Rover with Time Delays
预售 按需印刷Haptic Human-Machine Interaction in Teleoperation Systems德语ger
海外直订Analysis and Design for Networked Teleoperation System 化遥操作系统的分析与设计
海外直订Haptic Teleoperation Systems: Signal Processing Perspective 触觉遥操作系统:信号处理的前景
海外直订Haptics for Virtual Reality and Teleoperation 用于虚拟现实和遥操作的触觉
海外直订Teleoperation and Robotics: Applications and Technology 远程操作与机器人:应用与技术
海外直订Cutaneous Haptic Feedback in Robotic Teleoperation 机器人遥操作中的皮肤触觉反馈
现货 光镊的触觉反馈遥操作 Haptic Feedback Teleoperation of Optical Tweezers 英文原版 Zhenjiang Ni 中商原版
海外直订Teleoperation: Numerical Simulation and Experimental Validation 远程操作:数值模拟和实验验证
海外直订High-Performance Adaptive Control of Teleoperation Systems 遥操作系统的高性能自适应控制
海外直订Human-In-The-Loop Learning and Control for Robot Teleoperation 机器人遥操作的人在环学习与控制
海外直订Teleoperation: Numerical Simulation and Experimental Validation 遥操作:数值模拟与实验验证
【4周达】Teleoperation and Robotics : Evolution and development [9780850385885]
【4周达】Haptic Teleoperation Systems : Signal Processing Perspective [9783319195568]
【4周达】Haptic Teleoperation Systems : Signal Processing Perspective [9783319383187]
预订 Co-Design in Networked Teleoperation of Autonomous Systems [9783844304718]
预订 Improving Force Reflecting Teleoperation [9783844319224]
【4周达】Analysis and Design for Networked Teleoperation System [9789811379352]
【4周达】Haptic Feedback Teleoperation Of Optical Tweezers [Wiley机械工程] [9781848216952]
【4周达】Human-In-The-Loop Learning and Control for Robot Teleoperation [9780323951432]
【4周达】Teleoperation: Numerical Simulation and Experimental Validation [9780792315841]
预订 Output Synchronization for Teleoperation of Robotic Manipulators [9783659612329]
【4周达】Cutaneous Haptic Feedback in Robotic Teleoperation [9783319374130]
【4周达】Cutaneous Haptic Feedback in Robotic Teleoperation [9783319254555]
【4周达】Intelligent Networked Teleoperation Control [9783662515839]
【4周达】Intelligent Networked Teleoperation Control [9783662468975]
【4周达】Analysis and Design for Networked Teleoperation System [9789811379383]
【4周达】Haptics for Virtual Reality and Teleoperation [9789400757172]
【4周达】Teleoperation and Robotics : Applications and Technology [9789401161053]
【4周达】High-Performance Adaptive Control of Teleoperation Systems [9781032465159]
【4周达】Haptics for Virtual Reality and Teleoperation [9789401784474]
按需印刷TF High Performance Adaptive Control of Teleoperation Systems