【预订】Implementing Online Union Lists of Serials: The Pennsylvania Union Lists of Serials 9780367361419
【预售】The Flash Gordon Serials, 1936-1940: A Heavily
【预售】Serials and Series: A World Filmography, 1912-1956
【预售】The Republic Pictures Checklist: Features, Serials
预订 A Changing World: Proceedings of the North American Serials Interest Group, Inc. 不断变化的世界:北美系列利益集团会
预订 Implementing Online Union Lists of Serials: The Pennsylvania Union Lists of Serials 实现在线期刊联合列表:宾夕法尼
预订 Serials Information from Publisher to User: Practice, Programs and Progress: Proceedings of the North American Seri
【预售】Introduction to Serials Work for Library Technici
[预订]A Changing World: Proceedings of the North American Serials Interest Group, Inc. 9780367371258
[预订]Budgets for Acquisitions: Strategies for Serials, Monographs and Electronic Formats 9780367409739
[预订]Serials Cataloging: The State of the Art 9780367362140
[预订]Serials Information from Publisher to User: Practice, Programs and Progress: Proceedings of the Nort 9780367431532
[预订]The Good Serials Department 9780367418168
[预订]Role of Serials in Sci-Tech Libraries 9780367363314
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[预订]The Electronic Journal: The Future of Serials-Based Information 9780367362171
[预订]Classified List of 4800 Serials 9781512803754
【预售】Serials in the Park:
预订 Serials Librarianship in Transition: Issues and Developments 转型中的丛书图书馆学:问题与发展 重印版: 9780367418656
【预售】E-Serials: Publishers, Libraries, Users, and Stan
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[预订]Serials Librarianship in Transition: Issues and Developments 9780367418717
预订 The Management of Serials Automation: Current Technology and Strategies for Future Planning 系列自动化的管理:当前
[预订]Serials to the Tenth Power: Tradition, Technology and Transformation 9780367369835
预订 The Management of Serials Automation: Current Technology and Strategies for Future Planning 期刊自动化管理:当前技
[预订]Serials to Graphic Novels: The Evolution of the Victorian Illustrated Book 9780813064987
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[预订]ISBD(CR): International Standard Bibliographic Description for Serials and Other Continuing Resource 9783598115998
预订 Sex Magazines in the Library Collection: A Scholarly Study of Sex in Serials and Periodicals 图书馆收藏的性杂志:期
预订 The Good Serials Department 好的连载部: 9780367418106
预订 The Electronic Journal: The Future of Serials-Based Information 电子期刊:连载信息的未来: 9780367362164
预订 Serials Cataloging: The State of the Art 连载编目:*的技术: 9780367362126
预订 Budgets for Acquisitions: Strategies for Serials, Monographs and Electronic Formats 收购预算:连载、专著和电子格式
预订 Arab Periodicals and Serials: A Subject Bibliography: 9781138694637
【预售】AACR2 and Serials: The American View
预订 The Serials Partnership: Teamwork, Technology, and Trends : proceedings of the North American Serials Interest Grou
【预售】Usage Statistics of E-Serials
[预订]Philosophy Journals and Serials 9780313239588
【预售 按需印刷】List of Serials Indexed for Online Users 2016
【预售 按需印刷】Adv Serials Manag Aism7h
【预售 按需印刷】List of Serials Indexed for Online Users 2017
海外直订Serials to Graphic Novels: The Evolution of the Victorian Illustrated Book 连载到漫画小说:维多利亚时代插图
海外直订Union Catalogues of Serials: Guidelines for Creation and Maintenance, with Recom 联合系列目录:创建和维护指
海外直订Budgets for Acquisitions: Strategies for Serials, Monographs and Electronic Form 采购预算:系列、专著和电子
海外直订Serials Cataloging: The State of the Art 系列编目:艺术的现状
海外直订Serials in the Park 公园里的连环杀手
海外直订E-Serials E-Serials
海外直订Science Fiction Serials 科幻连续剧
预订 E-Serials Cataloging
【预售】Serials Cataloging at the Turn of the Century
【预售】Serials Binding: A Simple and Complete Guidebook
【预售】Serials in the Park
海外直订Serials to Graphic Novels: The Evolution of the Victorian Illustrated Book 漫画小说连载:维多利亚时代插图书
海外直订E-Serials: Publishers, Libraries, Users, and Standards, Second Edition 电子丛书:出版商、图书馆、用户和标准
海外直订Classified List of 4800 Serials: Currently Received in the Libraries of the Univ 宾夕法尼亚大学和布林莫尔、
海外直订Canadian Serials Directory / Repertoire des publ... Canadian Serials Directory / Repertoire
海外直订Usage Statistics of E-Serials e - serial的使用统计
[预订]Anthropology Journals and Serials 9780313238345
海外直订List of Serials Indexed for Online Users 2017 2017年在线用户索引序列列表
【预售】Advances in Serials Management
【预售】E-Serials Cataloging
海外直订The Serials Partnership: Teamwork, Technology, and Trends: Proceedings of the No 连载伙伴关系:团队合作、技
海外直订Turkish Drama Serials: The Importance and Influence of a Globally Popular Televi 土耳其电视剧:一个全球流行
海外直订Management of Serials in Libraries 图书馆的期刊管理
海外直订The Electronic Journal: The Future of Serials-Based Information 电子期刊:基于序列的信息的未来
【预售】Mile-High Views: Surveying the Serials Vista: Nas
海外直订医药图书List of Serials Indexed for Online Users 2016 2016年为在线用户编制索引的系列文章列表
海外直订Serials Binding: A Simple and Complete Guidebook to Processes 串行装订:一个简单而完整的过程指南
【预售】Management Problems in Serials Work.
海外直订Superheroes Smash the Box Office: A Cinema History from the Serials to 21st Cent 超级英雄打破票房:从系列电
【预售】Great Movie Serials Cb
【预售】Great Movie Serials
预订 Serials to the Tenth Power: Tradition, Technology and Transformation 十次幂级数:团队合作,技术和趋势:北美系列兴趣
海外直订Union Catalogues of Serials 联合丛书目录
海外直订Serials Information from Publisher to User 从发布者到用户的序列信息
海外直订Serials Partnership 连续剧的伙伴关系
海外直订Serials Cataloging: The State of the Art 连载编目:艺术的状态
海外直订Good Serials Department 好连续剧部
海外直订Role of Serials in Sci-Tech Libraries 丛书在科技图书馆中的作用
【预售】Prime Time Network Serials 2-Volume Set: Episode
海外直订E-Serials Collection Management 电子系列收藏管理
海外直订Flash Gordon Serials, 1936-1940: A Heavily Illustrated Guide 1936-1940年《闪电戈登》系列:一本插图丰富的指南
【预售】Demystifying Serials Cataloging: A Book of Examples
海外直订Serials-ly Speaking Serials-ly说话
海外直订E-Serials Cataloging: Access to Continuing and Integrating Resources Via the Cat 电子期刊编目:通过目录和We
海外直订Management of Serials Automation 串行自动化管理
预订 RDA and Serials Cataloguing RDA与连续出版物编目: 9781856049504
海外直订Serials to the Tenth Power 级数的10次方
[预订]Serials to Graphic Novels 9780813062297
[预订]Education Journals and Serials 9780313245145
海外直订RDA and Serials Cataloguing RDA与序列编目