预订 (Un)masking the Realities of Power: Justus Lipsius and the Dynamics of Political Writing in Early Modern Europe (
预订 Marie Lipsius alias La Mara (1837-1927): Biographisches Schreiben als Teil der Musikforschung und Musikvermittlung
预订 Ancient Libraries and Renaissance Humanism: The De bibliothecis of Justus Lipsius 古代图书馆和文艺复兴人文主义: Ju
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【4周达】Stoics and Neostoics: Rubens and the Circle of Lipsius [9780691608860]
【4周达】Stoics and Neostoics: Rubens and the Circle of Lipsius [9780691629438]
【4周达】Philosophic Pride: Stoicism and Political Thought from Lipsius to Rousseau [9780691152080]
【4周达】Philosophic Pride: Stoicism and Political Thought from Lipsius to Rousseau [9780691242156]
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