【预售 按需印刷】Diasporas and Transnational Entrepreneurship in Global Contexts
【预售 按需印刷】Handbook of Diasporas Media
预售 按需印刷 Multidisciplinary Issues Surrounding African Diasporas
【预售】Other People's Diasporas: Negotiating Race in Con
【预订】Diasporas in the Contemporary World
【预订】Diasporas in Dialogue
【预售】Displacements and Diasporas: Asians in the Americas
预订 More-Than-Human Diasporas: Topologies of Empire, Settler Colonialism, Slavery: 9781032497235
预订 South Asian Diasporas and (Imaginary) Homelands: Narratives, Representations and Mediated Exchanges 南亚侨民与(想
预订 Tourism, Diasporas and Space
预订 Diasporas and Transnationalisms: The Journey of the Komagata Maru: 9780367142629
预订 The Impact of Diasporas: Markers of Identity: 9780367077792
【预售】Coloniality of Diasporas: Rethinking Intra-Coloni
【预售】Romantic Diasporas: French Emigres, British Con
【预售】Black Subjects in Africa and Its Diasporas
【预订】Coloniality of Diasporas 9781349489794
【预售】Global Diasporas: An Introduction
预订 Military Diasporas: Building of Empire in the Middle East and Europe (550 BCE-1500 CE) 军事侨民:在中东和欧洲建立帝
【预售】Sport and South Asian Diasporas: Playing Through
预订 Connecting Worlds and People: Early modern diasporas 连接世界与人类:近代早期的离散居民: 9781472448514
预订 Diasporas and Ethnic Migrants: Germany, Israel and Russia in Comparative Perspective 散居犹太人与种族移民:德国、以
预订 Routledge Handbook on Middle Eastern Diasporas
[预订]Making National Diasporas 9781009371834
[预订]Native Diasporas 9780803233638
预订 Diasporas of the Mind: Jewish and Postcolonial Writing and the Nightmare of History 心灵的散居:英国犹太人的写作与
[预订]Migrations et diasporas méditerranéennes, Xe-XVIe siècles : actes du colloque de Conques, octobre 9782859444488
预订 Italy's Many Diasporas
【预订】The Horn of Africa Diasporas in Italy 9783030583286
【预售】The Great Human Diasporas: The History of Diversity
[预订]Connecting Worlds and People: Early Modern Diasporas
预订 Early Modern Diasporas: A European History 近代早期散居者:欧洲史: 9781032046853
预订 Koreans in Transnational Diasporas of the Russian Far East and Manchuria, 1895–1920: Arirang People 俄罗斯远东与满
预订 Routledge Handbook on Middle Eastern Diasporas Routledge 中东流散手册: 9780367217921
【预订】Linguistic Diasporas, Narrative and Performance
预订 Diasporas and Diplomacy: Cosmopolitan contact zones at the BBC World Service (1932–2012) 移民及外交:1932-2012年英
预订 Imagining Latinidad: Digital Diasporas and Public Engagement Among Latin American Migrants 想象中的拉丁美洲:拉丁美
【预售】Rethinking World-Systems: Diasporas, Colonies, and Interaction in Uruk Mesopotamia
[预订]Military Diasporas 9781032157566
【预订】The Handbook Of Diasporas, Media, And Culture
【预订】Diasporas and Transnational Entrepreneurship in Global Contexts
【预售】Crossroads and Cosmologies: Diasporas and
预订 Diasporas, Weddings and the Trajectories of Ethnicity 流浪者,婚礼和种族轨迹: 9780367338602
预订 Early Modern Diasporas: A European History 近代早期的侨民:欧洲历史: 9781032046822
预订 Art and Architecture of Migration and Discrimination: Turkey, Pakistan, and their European Diasporas 移民与歧视的艺
预订 Liminal Diasporas: Contemporary Movements of Humanity and the Environment: 9781032726106
预订 Diasporas and Transnationalisms: The Journey of the Komagata Maru 离散居民与跨国主义:驹形丸号的旅程: 9781138701908
预订 The Impact of Diasporas: Markers of identity 离散居民的影响:身份标记: 9781138240100
预订 Diasporas and Transportation of Homeland Conflicts: Inter-Group Dynamics and Host Country Responses
预订 Strongman’s Brokers: Old Diasporas and New Networks in the Age of Populism 强人的经纪人:民粹主义时代的旧散居与新
预订 Affect, Performativity, and Chinese Diasporas in the Caribbean: Hopeful Futures 情感、表演与加勒比地区的华人散居:
预订 The Domestic Abroad: Diasporas in International Relations 国内国外:国际关系下的海外聚居: 9780199938650
按需印刷TF Early Modern Diasporas[9781032046822]
【预售】Diasporas In The Contemporary World
按需印刷TF Twenty First Century Arab and African Diasporas in Spain, Portugal and Latin America[9781032156446]
按需印刷Diasporas and Transnational Entrepreneurship in Global Contexts[9781522519911]
按需印刷TF Global Diasporas[9781032188454]
按需印刷TF Twenty First Century Arab and African Diasporas in Spain, Portugal and Latin[9781032424293]
海外直订Dismantling Diasporas: Rethinking the Geographies of Diasporic Identity, Connect 拆解散居者:重新思考散居者
海外直订The Impact of Diasporas: Markers of Identity 散居者的影响:身份的标志
海外直订Jazz Diasporas: Race, Music, and Migration in Post-World War II Paris Volume 18 爵士流散:第二次世界大战后巴
海外直订Latin American Diasporas in Public Diplomacy 公共外交中的拉丁美洲侨民
海外直订Diasporas, Cultures and Identities 散居、文化和身份
【4周达】Linguistic Diasporas, Narrative and Performance : The Irish in Argentina [9783319846460]
【4周达】Linguistic Diasporas, Narrative and Performance : The Irish in Argentina [9783319514208]
【4周达】The Handbook Of Diasporas, Media, And Culture [Wiley传媒] [9781119236702]
【4周达】Italy's Many Diasporas: Elites, Exiles and Workers of the World [9781857285826]
【4周达】The Black and Green Atlantic : Cross-Currents of the African and Irish Diasporas [9781349588183]
【4周达】The Horn of Africa Diasporas in Italy : An Oral History [9783030583286]
【4周达】Entwined Homelands, Empowered Diasporas: Hispanic Moroccan Jews and Their Globalizing Community [9780253069665]
【4周达】Homelands and Diasporas: Holy Lands and Other Spaces [9780804750790]
【4周达】Dismantling Diasporas : Rethinking the Geographies of Diasporic Identity, Connection and Dev... [9781472430335]
【4周达】Diasporas and Diplomacy : Cosmopolitan contact zones at the BBC World Service (1932-2012) [9781138822962]
【4周达】Social Invisibility and Diasporas in Anglophone Literature and Culture : The Fractal Gaze [9781349486380]
【4周达】Romantic Diasporas: French Emigres, British Convicts, and Jews: French Emigres, British Conv... [9781349376469]
【4周达】Dialogues across Diasporas : Women Writers, Scholars, and Activists of Africana and Latina D... [9780739178041]
【4周达】Body Image and the Asian Experience: Asians, Asian Americans, and Asian Diasporas Across the... [9780323999809]
【4周达】Slavery, Migrations, and Transformations: Connecting Old and New Diasporas to the Homeland [9781604979022]
【4周达】Koreans in Transnational Diasporas of the Russian Far East and Manchuria, 1895-1920: Arirang... [9781032001630]
【4周达】The Politics and Poetics of Indian Digital Diasporas: From Desi to Brown [9781032593531]
【4周达】South Asian Diasporas and (Imaginary) Homelands: Narratives, Representations and Mediated Ex... [9781032885780]
【4周达】Long-Distance Nationalism: Diasporas, Homelands and Identities [9781859726723]
【4周达】More-Than-Human Diasporas: Topologies of Empire, Settler Colonialism, Slavery [9781032497242]
【4周达】Transnational Australian Cinema : Ethics in the Asian Diasporas [9780739173244]
【4周达】The Black and Green Atlantic: Cross-Currents of the African and Irish Diasporas [9780230228184]
【4周达】Encyclopedia of Diasporas: Immigrant and Refugee Cultures Around the World. Volume I: Overvi... [9780306483219]
【4周达】The Horn of Africa Diasporas in Italy : An Oral History [9783030583255]
【4周达】Diasporas and Diplomacy : Cosmopolitan contact zones at the BBC World Service (1932-2012) [9780415508803]
【4周达】The Impact of Diasporas: Markers of Identity [9781138240100]
【4周达】Diasporas, Cultures and Identities [9780415686358]
【4周达】Homelands and Diasporas: Holy Lands and Other Places [9780804747714]
【4周达】More-Than-Human Diasporas: Topologies of Empire, Settler Colonialism, Slavery [9781032497235]
【4周达】Intersecting Diasporas : Italian Americans and Allyship in US Fiction [9781438481616]
【4周达】The Impact of Diasporas: Markers of Identity [9780367077792]
【4周达】Diasporas of the Mind: Jewish and Postcolonial Writing and the Nightmare of History [9780300093186]
【4周达】Asian Diasporas: New Formations, New Conceptions [9780804752435]