【预售 按需印刷】The Violence of Austerity
预售 按需印刷 Labour market policies in the era of pervasive austerity
【预售 按需印刷】Austerity in Britain
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预售 按需印刷 Crisis Austerity and New Frameworks for Teaching and Learning
预售 按需印刷 Austerity community action and the future of citizenship
预售 按需印刷 Social policy in times of austerity
【预售 按需印刷】Public Sector Compensation in Times of Austerity
预售 按需印刷 Discourse Analysis and Austerity
预售 按需印刷 Crisis, Austerity, and New Frameworks for Teaching and Learning
预售 按需印刷 Public Management in Times of Austerity
预售 按需印刷 Effective engagement in an age of austerity. Scottish and Finnish perspectives
【预订】Austerity and Law in Europe
预订 Lost Promises: Debt, Austerity, And Development In Latin America 失落的承诺:拉丁美洲的债务,紧缩与发展: 9780367155
预订 Varieties of Alternative Economic Systems: Practical Utopias for an Age of Global Crisis and Austerity: 97803672509
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预订 Unequal Cities: The Challenge of Post-Industrial Transition in Times of Austerity: 9780367873288
预订 Discourse Analysis and Austerity: Critical Studies from Economics and Linguistics 话语分析与紧缩:经济学和语言学的
预订 Migration and the Refugee Dissensus in Europe: Borders, Security and Austerity: Borders, Security and Austerity 欧
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【预售】Class, Power and Austerity: The New York City Fiscal
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预订 Work-Life Balance in Times of Recession, Austerity and Beyond: 9781138340961
预订 Public Management in Times of Austerity: 9780367243050
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【预售】Europe in an Age of Austerity
【预售】Health Care Systems in Europe Under Austerity: In
预订 The Discourse of Financial Crisis and Austerity: Critical analyses of business and economics across disciplines: 97
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【4周达】Rise And Fall Of Global Austerity, The [9789814603485]
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预订 Sensing the Everyday: Dialogues from Austerity Greece 感受日常生活:源自紧缩时代希腊的对话: 9780367187767
【预订】Austerity in Britain
【预订】Narratives of Difference in an Age of Austerity
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预订 Paying the Costs of Austerity in Latin America: 9780367282479
预订 The Discourse of Financial Crisis and Austerity: Critical analyses of business and economics across disciplines 金
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预订 The New Normal: Pressures on Technical Communication Programs in the Age of Austerity: 9780895039156
【预订】Austerity and Recovery in Ireland
预订 The Making of Barbara Pym: Oxford, the War Years, and Post-war Austerity 芭芭拉·皮姆的制作:牛津、战争年代与战后紧
【预订】Austerity and the Remaking of European Education
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[预订]Multimodal Approaches to Media Discourses: Reconstructing the Age of Austerity in the United Kingdom
[预订]Austerity Across Europe: Lived Experiences of Economic Crises
预订 Austerity and Irish Women’s Writing and Culture, 1980–2020 紧缩政策与爱尔兰妇女作品与文化 1980-2020: 978103207522
预订 Sensual Austerity and Moral Leadership: Cross-Cultural Perspectives from Plato, Confucius, and Gandhi on Building a
【预订】Beyond Austerity: Reforming the Greek Economy
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预订 The English Prison Health System After a Decade of Austerity, 2010-2020: The Failed Political Experiment 2010-2020
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【预订】Local Public Services in Times of Austerity across Mediterranean Europe
【预订】Children of Austerity
预订 The Cameron-Clegg Coalition and Britain’s Role in the World: Austerity, Continuity, and Change 卡梅伦-克莱格联盟与
预订 The Great American Transit Disaster: A Century of Austerity, Auto-Centric Planning, and White Flight 美国交通大灾难
【预售】Austerity in Britain
【预售】Women and Austerity: The Economic Crisis and the
预订 Social Movements in Elections: UK Anti-Austerity and Environmental Campaigning 2015 -19 选举中的社会运动:英国反紧
预订 The Cost of Living Crisis: Temporality, Provisioning, and Austerity in a Northern English City 生活危机成本:英国北
预订 Austerity Blues: Fighting for the Soul of Public Higher Education 紧缩蓝调: 9781421420677
【预订】Multimodal Approaches to Media Discourses: Reconstructing the Age of Austerity in the United Kingdom
【预订】Discourse Analysis and Austerity
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预订 Migration and the Refugee Dissensus in Europe: Borders, Security and Austerity 欧洲移民与难民共识:边界、安全与紧缩
预订 Contesting Austerity and Free Trade in the EU: Protest Diffusion in Complex Media and Political Arenas 欧盟紧缩与自
预订 Resisting Austerity: Collective Action in Europe in the wake of the Global Financial Crisis 抵制紧缩:全球金融危机
预订 Sensing the Everyday: Dialogues from Austerity Greece 感受日常生活:源自紧缩时代希腊的对话: 9780367187743
预订 Popular Culture and the Austerity Myth: Hard Times Today 大众文化与苦行神话:当代艰难时世: 9781138942943
【预订】Crisis, Austerity, and New Frameworks for Teaching and Learning 9780367028602
预订 Austerity and Irish Women’s Writing and Culture, 1980–2020 紧缩与爱尔兰妇女的作品及文化 1980-2020: 9781032075204
【预订】Austerity Policies
【预订】Everyday Life in Austerity
【预订】Austerity Policies: Bad Ideas in Practice
【预订】Why Austerity Persists