现代化产业体系建设:政策、实践、建议:policies, practices and suggestions9787517714019中国发展出版社
预订 European Disability Pension Policies: 11 Country Trends 1970–2002 欧洲残疾养老金政策:11个国家的趋势,1970–2002:
【预售】Public Policies for Environmental Protection
预订 Rural Transformations and Rural Policies in the US and UK
【预售】Literacy Policies and Practices in Con
【预售】Family Language Policies in a Multilingual World
【预售】Disabling Policies?
【预订】Advancing SMEs Toward E-Commerce Policies for Sustainability 9781668457276
预订 Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship Policies in Central and Eastern Europe 中欧和东欧创业政策研究手册: 9781848
【预售】The People Policies Audit
【预售】Regulation and Policies of American Shipping
[预订]Energy Resources and Policies for Sustainability 9781784663711
【预订】Developing Safer Online Environments for Children: Tools and Policies for Combatting Cyber Aggression
【预订】Impact of Digital Transformation on Security Policies and Standards
【预售】Model Security Policies, Plans and Procedures
预订 Natural Resources In U.s.-canadian Relations, Volume 1: The Evolution Of Policies And Issues 美加关系中的自然资源,
预订 The Caribbean In World Affairs: The Foreign Policies Of The Englishspeaking States 加勒比世界事务:英语国家的外交政
预订 The New Era Of Homebased Work: Directions And Policies 家庭工作的新时代:方向和政策: 9780367309817
预订 Social Welfare Policies and Programmes in South Asia 南亚的社会福利政策与计划: 9780367777326
[预订]Financial Policies And Management Of Agricultural Development Banks 9780367167073
预订 Debt And Adjustment Policies In Brazil 巴西的债务和调整政策: 9780367166434
预订 Risky Agricultural Markets: Price Forecasting And The Need For Intervention Policies 风险农产品市场:价格预测和干预
【预售】Crime Prevention Policies in Comparative
预订 Agrarian Policies And Agricultural Systems 农业政策与农业系统: 9780367162900
预订 The Complex Web of Inequality in North American Schools: Investigating Educational Policies for Social Justice 北美
预订 Consumers, Meat and Animal Products: Policies, Regulations and Marketing 消费者、肉类和动物产品:政策、法规和营销:
【预售】Environmental Principles and Policies
预订 The Evolution of Economic Wellbeing: Progress-Driven Economic Policies in the Era of Globalization 经济福利的演变:
预订 Promoting High Technology Industry: Initiatives And Policies For State Governments 促进高科技产业:州政府的举措和政
预订 Migration Policies and Materialities of Identification in European Cities: Papers and Gates, 1500-1930s 欧洲城市的
预订 Sustainable Human Resource Management: Policies and Practices 可持续人力资源管理:政策及实务: 9788770043502
[预订]North-south Grain Markets And Trade Policies 9780367160937
预订 Exchange-rate Policies For Emerging Market Economies 新兴市场经济体的汇率政策: 9780367159559
【预售】Guide to Writing Collection Development Policies for
【预售】The 2007-2008 Food Price Swing: Impact and Policies
【预售】IFRS Policies and Procedures
【预售】The Social Media Handbook: Policies...
【预订】Policies and Research in Identity Ma...
【预订】Development Policies and Policy Processes in Africa
[预订]Sustainable Agriculture Policies for Human Well-Being: Integrated Efficiency Approach 9783031097980
【预售】Jobs, Earnings, and Employment Growth Policies in
【预订】Extended Working Life Policies
【预订】Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks
【预售】Optimal Dynamic Investment Policies of a Value
预订 Educational Policies and Legislation in China
【预售】Designing Public Policies: An Approach Based on
【预订】Challenging the Paradoxes of Integration Policies
【预订】How Crises Shaped Economic Ideas and Policies
【预订】Designing Urban Food Policies
【预订】Energy Policies in the European Union
【预订】Environmental Law and Policies in Turkey
预订 Agriculture: People and Policies
【预订】Islam and Health Policies Related to HIV Prevention in Malaysia
【预售】Energy Policies in the European Union: Germany's
【预订】Policies and Research in Identity Management 9781441946096
【预订】How Good Policies and Business Ethics Enhance Good Quality of Life
【预售】European Higher Education Area: The Impact of Past and Future Policies
【预订】Early Childhood Policies and Systems in Eight Countries
【预订】European Higher Education Area: The Impact of Past and Future Policies
【预订】Sustainable Agriculture Policies for Human Well-Being: Integrated Ef 9783031097959
【预订】Organic Waste Composting Through Nexus Thinking: Practices, Policies, and Trends
【预订】Well-Being in Latin America: Drivers and Policies
预订 Integration Processes and Policies in Europe
【预售】Deploying Foresight for Policy and Strategy Makers: Creating Opportunities Through Public Policies and Cor...
【预订】Life Cycle of Clusters in Designing Smart Specialization Policies
【预售】Environmental Impacts & Policies for the EEC Tanning
【预订】Designing Sustainable Technologies, Products and Policies: From Science to Innovation
【预售】Policies and Research in Identity Management: Second
【预订】Evaluation of German Active Labour Market Policies and their Organisational Framework
【预售】Marketing Communication Policies
【预售】Policies and Research in Identity Management: First
【预订】Handbook of Research on Policies and Practices for Sustainable Economic Growth and Regional Development
【预售】Monetary Policies and Inflation Targeting in
【预售】Reconceptualising Film Policies
【预售】Water Reuse Policies for Potable Use
【预订】Language Policies in Education
【预售】European Drug Policies
预订 The Minoritisation of Higher Education Students: An Examination of Contemporary Policies and Practice 高等教育学生
【预售】Handbook of Disaster Policies and Institutions:
【预售】Manpower Policies and Development in the Persian
【预订】Sales & Marketing Policies and Procedures Manual
【预订】Business Policies and Procedures Sampler
[预订]Computer & IT Policies and Procedures Manual 9781931591096
【预售】Great Policies: Strategic Innovations in Asia and
【预订】Plans and Policies for Soil Organic Carbon Management in Agriculture 9789811961786
[预订]Plans and Policies for Soil Organic Carbon Management in Agriculture 9789811961816
预订 Transition Towards a Sustainable Future: Net Zero Policies and Environmental Sustainability 向可持续未来过渡:净零
【预售】Policies for America's Public Schools: Teacher
[预订]Developing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Policies for Promoting Employee Sustainability and Well- 9781668441817
[预订]Maintaining International Relations Through Digital Public Diplomacy Policies and Discourses 9781668458228