Greek Art and Aesthetics 公元前四世纪的希腊艺术与美学 公元前4世纪的希腊艺术与美学 平装
【4周达】Aesthetics and the Art of Musical Composition in the German Enlightenment: Selected Writings... [9780521360357]
【4周达】Aesthetics and the Art of Musical Composition in the German Enlightenment: Selected Writings... [9780521035095]
【4周达】Art, Aesthetics and Colour: Aristotle - Thomas Aquinas - Rudolf Steiner: An Anthology of Ori... [9781912230228]
【4周达】Aesthetics in the Anthropocene: Rethinking Art's Role in a World of Environmental Crisis [9798348415549]
【4周达】Aesthetics of Architecture: Philosophical Investigations into the Art of Building [9781444339727]
【4周达】Artists and the Practice of Agriculture: Politics and Aesthetics of Food Sovereignty in Art ... [9780367200794]
【4周达】Artists and the Practice of Agriculture: Politics and Aesthetics of Food Sovereignty in Art ... [9781032527208]
【4周达】Aesthetics, Gender, and Disability in Interactive Digital Art and Performance Art [9780367755430]
【4周达】Aesthetics And The Philosophy Of Art - The Analytic Tradition: An Anthology [Wiley哲学] [9781119222446]
【4周达】Aesthetics And The Philosophy Of Art - The Analytic Tradition, An Anthology [Wiley哲学] [9781405105811]
【4周达】The Aesthetics of Rule and Resistance: Analyzing Political Street Art in Latin America [9781805397397]
【4周达】The Aesthetics of Rule and Resistance: Analyzing Political Street Art in Latin America [9781800731493]
【4周达】Aesthetics and the Environment : The Appreciation of Nature, Art and Architecture [9780415301053]
【4周达】Aesthetics and the Environment : The Appreciation of Nature, Art and Architecture [9780415206839]
【4周达】Aesthetics and the Embodied Mind: Beyond Art Theory and the Cartesian Mind-Body Dichotomy [9789402406504]
【4周达】Aesthetics and the Embodied Mind: Beyond Art Theory and the Cartesian Mind-Body Dichotomy [9789401793780]
【4周达】Aesthetics and Modernity : Toward a New Philosophical Functionalization of Art [9783631845073]
【4周达】Reading Aesthetics And Philosophy Of Art: Selected Texts With Interactive Commentary [Wiley... [9781405118071]
【4周达】Aesthetics of Interdisciplinarity: Art and Mathematics: Art and Mathematics [9783319861166]
【4周达】Aesthetics Equals Politics: New Discourses Across Art, Architecture, and Philosophy [9780262039437]
【4周达】Aesthetics Equals Politics: New Discourses across Art, Architecture, and Philosophy [9780262547710]
【4周达】Aesthetics of the Margins / The Margins of Aesthetics: Wild Art Explained [9780271081137]
【4周达】Rediscovering Aesthetics: Transdisciplinary Voices from Art History, Philosophy, and Art Pra... [9780804759915]
【4周达】Rediscovering Aesthetics: Transdisciplinary Voices from Art History, Philosophy, and Art Pra... [9780804759908]
【4周达】Humanistic Management, Organization and Aesthetics: Art of Management and Management of Art [9781032599854]
【4周达】Aesthetics and the Iconoclasm of Contemporary Art : Pictures Without a World [9783030753047]
【4周达】Screening Art : Modernist Aesthetics and the Socialist Imaginary in East German Cinema [9781800732049]
【4周达】Screening Art: Modernist Aesthetics and the Socialist Imaginary in East German Cinema [9781785339677]
【4周达】Art in the Anthropocene: Encounters Among Aesthetics, Politics, Environments and Epistemologies [9781785420054]
【4周达】Thinking about Science, Reflecting on Art: Bringing Aesthetics and Philosophy of Science Tog... [9781032569864]
【4周达】Symbolist Aesthetics and Early Abstract Art: Sites of Imaginary Space - Symbolist Aesthetics... [9780521619356]
【4周达】Environmental Aesthetics Hypothesis: The Art, Science, & Psychology of Perceiving & Expressi... [9780578341187]
【4周达】Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art: An Introduction, Second Edition [9780742564114]
【4周达】Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art: An Introduction, Second Edition [9780742564107]
【4周达】Miscellaneous Texts: Aesthetics and Theory of Art and Contemporary Artists (Two-Volume Set, ... [9789058678966]
【4周达】More Than Illustrated Music: Aesthetics of Hybrid Media Between Pop, Art and Video [9781501381232]
【4周达】More Than Illustrated Music: Aesthetics of Hybrid Media between Pop, Art and Video [9781501381270]
【4周达】Art Scents: Exploring the Aesthetics of Smell and the Olfactory Arts [9780190089818]
【4周达】The Founding of Aesthetics in the German Enlightenment: The Art of Invention and the Inventi... [9781107027138]
【4周达】The Founding of Aesthetics in the German Enlightenment: The Art of Invention and the Inventi... [9781107541405]
【4周达】Art And Social Theory: Sociological Arguments In Aesthetics [Wiley社会学] [9780745630380]
【4周达】Art And Social Theory: Sociological Arguments In Aesthetics [Wiley社会学] [9780745630397]
【4周达】The Aesthetics of Development : Art, Culture and Social Transformation [9781349952472]
【4周达】The Aesthetics of Development : Art, Culture and Social Transformation [9781349957736]
【4周达】Gaga Aesthetics: Art, Fashion, Popular Culture, and the Up-Ending of Tradition [9781350102699]
【4周达】Gaga Aesthetics: Art, Fashion, Popular Culture, and the Up-Ending of Tradition [9781350272385]
【4周达】Aesthetics in Dialogue : Applying Philosophy of Art in a Global World [9783631792186]
【4周达】The Aesthetics of Loss: German Women's Art of the First World War [9780199656684]
【4周达】Aesthetics of Discomfort: Conversations on Disquieting Art [9780472073009]
【4周达】Aesthetics of Discomfort: Conversations on Disquieting Art [9780472053001]
【4周达】Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art: Comparative Perspectives [9781032042886]
【4周达】Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art: Comparative Perspectives [9780367529703]
【4周达】Aesthetics of Disturbance: Anti-Art in Avant-Garde Drama [9780472105076]
【4周达】Architectural Aesthetics: Appreciating Architecture as an Art [9781350211001]
【4周达】Architectural Aesthetics: Appreciating Architecture as an Art [9781350210998]
【4周达】Counter-Memorial Aesthetics: Refugee Histories and the Politics of Contemporary Art [9781474252737]
【4周达】Counter-Memorial Aesthetics: Refugee Histories and the Politics of Contemporary Art [9781474252744]
【4周达】Art and the Institution of Being: Aesthetics in the Late Works of Merleau-Ponty [9781441136633]
【4周达】Aesthetics of Interdisciplinarity: Art and Mathematics [9783319572574]
【4周达】New Queries in Aesthetics and Metaphysics: Time, Historicity, Art, Culture, Metaphysics, the... [9780792311959]
【4周达】New Queries in Aesthetics and Metaphysics: Time, Historicity, Art, Culture, Metaphysics, the... [9789401055017]
【4周达】Naturalized Aesthetics: A Scientific Framework for the Philosophy of Art [9781032245423]
【4周达】Partisan Aesthetics: Modern Art and India's Long Decolonization [9781503612990]
【4周达】Partisan Aesthetics: Modern Art and India's Long Decolonization [9781503611948]
【4周达】Victorian Artists' Autograph Replicas: Auras, Aesthetics, Patronage and the Art Market [9780367145828]
【4周达】Victorian Artists' Autograph Replicas: Auras, Aesthetics, Patronage and the Art Market [9781032922515]
【4周达】Aesthetics: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Art [9780192891648]
【4周达】Philosophical Aesthetics and the Sciences of Art: - Philosophical Aesthetics and the Science... [9781107654587]
【4周达】Gadamer's Hermeneutical Aesthetics: Art as a Performative, Dynamic, Communal Event [9781032020396]
【4周达】Differential Aesthetics: Art Practices, Philosophy and Feminist Understandings [9781138741669]
【4周达】Differential Aesthetics: Art Practices, Philosophy and Feminist Understandings [9781138741645]
【4周达】Art as Abstract Machine : Ontology and Aesthetics in Deleuze and Guattari [9780415971553]
【4周达】Art as Abstract Machine : Ontology and Aesthetics in Deleuze and Guattari [9780415762724]
【4周达】Database Aesthetics: Art in the Age of Information Overflow Volume 20 [9780816641192]
【4周达】The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Indian Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art [9781350058026]
【4周达】The Bloomsbury Research Handbook of Indian Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art [9781472528353]
【4周达】The Aesthetics of Disengagement: Contemporary Art and Depression [9780816645398]
【4周达】Reparative Aesthetics: Witnessing in Contemporary Art Photography [9781472529862]
【4周达】Reparative Aesthetics: Witnessing in Contemporary Art Photography [9781472529787]
【4周达】Aesthetics Ho! Essays on Art, Literature, and Theatre [9781614982012]
【4周达】Pragmatist Aesthetics: Living Beauty, Rethinking Art, Second Edition [9780847697649]
【4周达】Pragmatist Aesthetics: Living Beauty, Rethinking Art, Second Edition [9780847697656]
【4周达】The Chosen Few : Aesthetics and Ideology in Football Fan Graffiti and Street Art [9781954600027]
【4周达】Michael Psellos on Literature and Art: A Byzantine Perspective on Aesthetics [9780268100483]
【4周达】Michael Psellos on Literature and Art: A Byzantine Perspective on Aesthetics [9780268100490]
【4周达】The Sleep of Reason : Primitivism in Modern European Art and Aesthetics, 17251907 [9780271018270]
【4周达】The Journal Of Aesthetics And Art Criticism, V20, No. 2, Winter, 1961 [9781258156374]
【4周达】The Sleep of Reason: Primitivism in Modern European Art and Aesthetics, 1725 1907 [9780271013053]
【4周达】The Aesthetics of Violence : Art, Fiction, Drama and Film [9781786610904]
【4周达】Contemporary Debates In Aesthetics And The Philosophy Of Art [Wiley哲学] [9781405102407]
【4周达】Contemporary Debates In Aesthetics And The Philosophy Of Art [Wiley哲学] [9781405102391]
【4周达】Black Africa and the US Art World in the Early 20th Century : Aesthetics, White Supremacy [9781839989360]
【4周达】The Creation of Art: New Essays in Philosophical Aesthetics [9780521037792]
【4周达】The Creation of Art: New Essays in Philosophical Aesthetics [9780521812344]
【4周达】Toward an Aesthetics of the Puppet: Puppetry as a Theatrical Art [9780313283598]
【4周达】Art and Enlightenment: Scottish Aesthetics in the Eighteenth Century [9780907845768]
【4周达】The Way of Inuit Art : Aesthetics and History in and Beyond the Arctic [9780786464128]
【4周达】Aesthetics of Art: Understanding What We See [9781793562685]
【4周达】Art as Information Ecology: Artworks, Artworlds, and Complex Systems Aesthetics [9781478013457]